How much do FBS security doors and windows cost?

Posted on: March 14th, 2022 by el-lable

As much as we’d love to be able to get you a more concrete answer than “it depends” for our doors, it’s difficult to do.

Without knowing the dimensions of the custom security door you need, the types of coverings you prefer, what technology you want to be incorporated, and what other special features you’d like added (such as hidden compartments), any number we give you could be inaccurate.

However, windows are more straightforward, so we offer a budget calculator on our windows page. By selecting the type of window you require (fixed or operable), the size of the opening (in inches), and the level of security you need, we can give you an estimate of what your window may cost.

Our clients typically find that our prices aren’t much above security door and window dealers, but that our products are a much better match to what they’re looking for.

I hate carrying a key yet I want to be secure. Is it possible?

Posted on: March 14th, 2022 by el-lable

Of course. The further we get into the 21st century, the more obsolete keys are becoming. Houses and cars alike are getting rid of keys, in large part because they’re not secure at all.

Physical keys can be stolen or even duplicated without the homeowner’s knowledge, giving residential access to people they never would have allowed inside. Even taking this angle out of consideration, locks can be picked very easily.

To keep our clients safer, we have several keyless entry options, including those that incorporate biometric security measures.

In fact, we prefer the biometric options — not just because it’s flashy or impressive, but because it’s truly the most secure. Facial recognition technology is the tightest security you can get.

The facial recognition software we use is considered to be fractionals above 99% accurate. If you choose this biometric option, you can rest assured you’ll never need a key again.

Why does anyone need this level of security?

Posted on: March 14th, 2022 by el-lable

Admittedly, not everyone needs the highest levels of security we offer. However, we always recommend base-level security windows and doors to all our prospective clients.

While it may seem like a no-brainer that we’d recommend our own products, that’s not the entire reason we have for doing so. We believe that protecting one’s family and loved ones is paramount.

We know firsthand how easy it is to break into homes — to remove doors and windows — and how quickly it can happen.

We simply want people to feel safe at home, particularly when they’re sleeping and can’t keep an eye out for themselves.

The bottom line is that we live in a dynamic, uncertain world. Sometimes, it feels like we have so little control over our lives, but security doors and windows are a thing you can control.

Do you ship worldwide?

Posted on: March 14th, 2022 by el-lable

Yes, we do! Clients often think we only ship to cities where we have offices, but that’s not the case. We can deliver our high security doors and windows wherever the residence is located, regardless of where it is.

We’ve shipped doors and windows to Florida, New York, Texas, California, Illinois, Jamaica, and all over Europe.

The fact that we’re based in Boca Raton, Florida, source hardware from a company in Miami, and manufacture at a factory in Italy has no bearing on where we can ship our products.

Is installation complicated?

Posted on: March 14th, 2022 by el-lable

Installation complications vary not only by product, but by the residence in which it will be placed.

One thing contractors can do to ensure a less complicated installation is to double-check that the opening is strong, plumb, and level. If that requirement isn’t met, we can’t start the install. Please do everything in your power to make sure this is done before the door or window arrives on site.

Additionally, making sure any necessary electrical or communication lines that need to be run are ready will help ensure a smoother installation. Motorized doors need an electricity source and biometric security panels will require both electric and IP lines.

Motors are hidden within the door frames now, so there shouldn’t be any additional work necessary within existing walls or ceilings to accommodate them.

Of course, retrofits are typically more complicated than new builds. That being said, the prep work is the hardest part. If the lines are run and the opening is properly prepped ahead of time, the installation will go more smoothly.


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