FBS Articles

How Security Glass, Hurricane Glass, and Ballistic Glass Differ

When we talk to potential clients, our primary concern is that they’re getting a door or window that addresses their major concerns, whether that be security, hurricanes, or classic beauty. The reason we need to know is because it will affect the product we make for them.  Every single door and window we make is custom-made for each customer and their needs. Someone who lives outside the spotlight in South Florida might need hurricane windows and has no use for ballistic glass. But someone who has been physically threatened might desperately need that extra layer of security. Security glass differs from hurricane glass, which differs from ballistic glass. Quite literally, their physical makeup is different. Our clients may not notice the difference when they look at (or out of) the window, but they’re all different becauseRead more
How Security Glass, Hurricane Glass, and Ballistic Glass Differ

Let Us Show You How Easy it is to Pick a Lock

Every doorknob comes with a built-in lock. Exterior doors typically also come with a deadbolt. Most apartments have a chain on the entry door as well.  This is what the average person is using to keep intruders out — a handle, a deadbolt, and maybe a chain. And perhaps that keeps people feeling safe enough on a normal day. After all, many intruders are looking for an easy way into a house, so if the door is locked, they’ll move on. Right? Sure. But not all of them. A quick online search will show you how simple it is to pick or bump a lock. There are plenty of YouTube videos that will show you exactly how to do it.  And of course, we’ve seen James Bond and bad guys in movies pick locks with paperRead more
Let Us Show You How Easy it is to Pick a Lock

Your Steel Security Doors Don’t Have to be Ugly

When we tell people we make steel security doors, they usually picture ugly doors with nothing unique about them whatsoever. We don’t blame them — this is what most people think of because that’s what they’ve seen on businesses or homes. But that’s not at all what we make at FBS. Our steel security doors are works of art made by experienced artisans in Italy. Each door we make is specifically designed for you — your design aesthetic, your tastes, your home’s color palette, and the type of statement you want to make with your front door, or interior doors. They’re the kind of thing you have to see to believe (and we have plenty of examples to show you). Your steel security door doesn’t have to be ugly, and we’re here to prove it toRead more
Your Steel Security Doors Don’t Have to be Ugly

How Custom Front Doors Can Change Your Home

Your luxury home typically gives two major first impressions: the location it’s in and what the main entrance looks like. Obviously, if your home is feet from the ocean, that’s going to be a major draw to your guests, but they’ll still be entering the house through your front door — and a surefire way to leave them speechless before they even get to the breathtaking view is with a custom entry door. We’ve made quite a few custom front doors for our clients (and interior doors as well), and every time, we’re blown away by how unique each piece is. You’d think by this point that we’ve seen every combination and possibility out there, but that’s not been the case. In fact, it’s unlikely that we’ll ever tire of seeing what our clients want outRead more
How Custom Front Doors Can Change Your Home

What Your Luxury Front Door Says About Your Home

The average person might not give much thought to their front door. In their daily lives, they might not even use their front door — they only open it when someone is visiting. The reality of the matter is that you don’t often see your front door, much less devote time to thinking about it.  However, your luxury front door isn’t intended for you. It’s there for everyone else. What it looks like — the color, the size, the shape — is all meant for other people to look at. The front door is an important aspect in the overall facade of your home.  What Your Front Door Says About You As our favorite architect will tell you, it’s actually not about the door. It runs much deeper than that. Since long before history was well-documented, frontRead more
What Your Luxury Front Door Says About Your Home


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