FBS Articles

Do I Need Wrought Iron on My Security Doors and Windows?

When many homeowners think of security doors and windows, they often think of big, heavy, wrought iron bars that are installed over the glass, ruining the aesthetics of their carefully designed home, and blocking the view they paid so much for. They simply don’t fit in when installed on a luxury home. While wrought iron has its place in luxury and grandeur (like a fence surrounding your property), that aesthetic is somehow not the same when the wrought iron is placed over your doors and windows. This is a look you expect to find on first floor apartments in busy cities — not spacious luxury homes in upscale neighborhoods.  Obviously, the point of them is to protect the residents. Even if someone were to break the glass, they wouldn’t be able to squeeze past the ironRead more
Do I Need Wrought Iron on My Security Doors and Windows?

Why You (Probably) Don’t Need Ballistic Windows

Because the word “ballistic” is in our name, people often call us to inquire about turning their home into a bulletproof fortress. In times of uncertainty or high stress, people become more aware of inherent danger around them. (For the record, we can make your home bulletproof, if that’s what you want or need.) The thing is, when people who are concerned about their safety — and more importantly, the safety of their family — hear the words “bulletproof windows,” they typically love the idea. Before they know any details or realize the architectural or financial implications, they want bulletproof windows. It sounds like ballistic windows will make your luxury home the safest place you could be — not even an AK-47 can break our top of the line windows.  The question they don’t ask themselvesRead more
Why You (Probably) Don’t Need Ballistic Windows

Cost of Windows: Why Are They So Expensive?

We don’t look at windows as “windows,” per se. We look at them as glass doors. Windows are an opening in a home in the exact same way a door is — it’s a way for someone to enter or exit. In our eyes, the only differences between doors and windows are the dimensions of the opening (sometimes) and the materials used (again, sometimes). However, we fully understand that our clients don’t necessarily see it that way. They see doors as entrance and exit points that can be designed and adorned in whatever way they want, and windows as a thing that shows them their spectacular view. Perhaps, also as a thing they can open to let a fresh breeze in. Therefore, they’re sometimes dismayed at how expensive our windows can be.  We understand this frustration,Read more
Cost of Windows: Why Are They So Expensive?

Comprehensive Security Service: Doors, Windows, and Planning

You’ve probably heard us say it dozens of times: we’re not a just door and window company — we’re a security company that provides security services by making really incredible doors and windows.  Sure, we can make you a gorgeous, completely custom bedroom, fire, or front entry door, but no matter what we make for you or what coverings you choose, each and every one of them will be a high security door. We believe that your home should be a place where you can fully relax, and in order to do that, you have to believe that you are completely safe.  That being said, we also feel it’s critical for your family to plan in the event of an emergency. While we’re unshakably confident in the quality of our doors and windows, sometimes there areRead more
Comprehensive Security Service: Doors, Windows, and Planning

Biometrics and Security: How to Keep Your Home Completely Safe

Biometric security is an increasingly common topic among our clients. After many years on the market (and now, in our smartphones), facial recognition and fingerprint scans are becoming more mainstream. It suddenly doesn’t seem completely out of the question for us to have biometric screening on our doors.  And trust us — it’s entirely possible and incredibly luxurious. At FBS, we’ve been using biometrics with security for quite some time because it’s undoubtedly the most secure way of protecting your home from unauthorized visitors and potential intruders. Biometric security takes away many of the failure points of typical locks: there’s no key, no one can steal your passcode, and the lock can’t be tampered with. Here’s how we incorporate biometric screening with our high security doors to ensure your luxury home is completely safe.  What isRead more
Biometrics and Security: How to Keep Your Home Completely Safe


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