FBS Articles

Building a Safe Room vs. a Sanctuary

One of the most common inquiries we receive from potential clients is the feasibility of building a safe room in their house. We don’t mean to brag, but yes — of course we can. We can design anything you want. However, we’re not going to recommend a safe room (or a panic room) in your house. The reason we say this isn’t because we think you don’t need it. We’re not passing judgment on your security situation — especially when we don’t know all the details yet. Plenty of our clients legitimately need a safe place where they can go in the event of an emergency. Many of them have used their designated safe place during actual emergencies.  The issue we take with safe rooms or panic rooms is that — among other things — they’reRead more
Building a Safe Room vs. a Sanctuary

Basic vs. Concierge Security Door Installation

Understandably, we get a lot of questions about security door installation from our clients. It’s a logical question, especially when you’re working with tight timelines, coordinating a lot of different contractors, important delivery dates, and what probably seems like endless logistics.  If you’re doing a larger renovation on your luxury home or building a new home from the ground up, you probably have some sort of project manager or builder coordinating a lot of this. But if you’re getting one custom security door, figuring out the details of installation could be a bit tricky.  So people have a better understanding of what they can expect from us (and conversely, what they shouldn’t expect from us), we wanted to clear some things up.  Here’s what we handle on installation day, what we don’t do, and what weRead more
Basic vs. Concierge Security Door Installation

Fixed Window Prices: Why They’re Less Expensive

When people call us to inquire about windows, they often ask why our windows are so expensive. We’ve addressed this in the past, but now that we have the new window budget calculator on our website, people have begun to ask why our fixed windows are less expensive than our operable windows. It’s a fair question, especially when you’re trying to keep your renovation or new build within your budget. It can be frustrating to have a price discrepancy between two companies making security windows for luxury homes, and people’s gut reaction is to go with the cheaper option (even when money isn’t necessarily a huge issue). As the old saying goes: you get what you pay for.  Here’s why our fixed windows are less expensive than our operable windows, and what sets our security windowsRead more
Fixed Window Prices: Why They’re Less Expensive

Why We Don’t Use Dealers For Our Luxury Home Security Doors

People often ask us why we don’t sell our luxury home security doors and windows through third party dealers.  It’s a fair question, and because we get it so often from potential clients, we thought we’d take the time to discuss why this is the case.  We can get into the details, but a lot of the reason has to do with the fact that we sell a very unique product.  We don’t have a “lane” to stay in. We’re not a window company. We’re not a door company. We’re not a tech company. But we do sell all of those things.  The issue is that no one else makes what we do. No one else takes these components and uses them in the way we do. While there are other companies that make home securityRead more
Why We Don’t Use Dealers For Our Luxury Home Security Doors

Your Luxury Home Deserves Better Security Doorbell than a Ring

It seems like everyone has a Ring doorbell these days — or at least some kind of security doorbell like it. Overnight, it felt like those little rectangles appeared next to front entrances on every other home across America. We see videos of funny, ridiculous, and shocking things happening on video security doorbells all the time. An animal might knock the doorbell off its mount, a homeowner leaves a snack and a note for a delivery person, or someone unwittingly rips a support beam off of their portico because their car tire got tangled on a hose. While these videos are often funny and almost always entertaining, they always make us rather nervous. As a security company, we often get requests for security doorbells that offer video feeds. When people say they might want a RingRead more
Your Luxury Home Deserves Better Security Doorbell than a Ring


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Why Your DIY Safe Room Won’t Keep You Safe

When you’re searching for ways to keep yourself, your loved ones, and your home secure, it can be easy to fall down the rabbit hole of DIY safe room tutorials. It’s a tempting topic. The idea that you can use your own two hands and some easily-available materials to enhance your security (and peace of mind) is certainly alluring.

Making Security Door Installation a Breeze with the Perfect Frame™

There are a number of factors that go into security door installation. They’re similar to the ones you’ll encounter with every door installation, but our doors are unlike any other kind of doors you’ve ever seen, which complicates things. In the past, our clients have become frustrated with this aspect of our business, so we’ve been looking for ways to improve installation. Of course, having clients literally all over the world makes this prospect more difficult.

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At FBS, we do things a bit differently. Or at least — different from a lot of U.S. companies. In the United States, the mentality is generally to get everything done as quickly as possible so we can move on to the next project to make more money.

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