FBS Articles

Are Wooden Doors Secure?

Some of our clients are interested in our steel security doors, but they want them to look like wood. What they definitely don’t want are wrought iron doors that look like they belong on the front entrance to a corner bodega downtown. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with wrought iron security doors, they simply don’t fit in on a luxurious residential property near the beach. Our clients who own more traditional-style homes, or simply want warmer textures in their design aesthetic sometimes ask for wood-finished doors — but they need them to be security doors. Can you make me a wood security door? They ask us. The short answer to this question is a resounding yes. Wooden doors can be completely secure. They can keep intruders out — even determined ones. Here’s how you can getRead more
Are Wooden Doors Secure?

The Best Hiding Spot in Your Home: Your Security Door

Most homeowners have hiding spots for valuable possessions — a safe, drawers underneath (or in between) clothing items, behind hanging clothes in a closet, or even a hidden compartment in a wall. It can be difficult to figure out the best place to hide valuables in your house. The places you think are smart end up being the first places that criminals look. (This isn’t their first rodeo.) The drawers in your dresser, your freezer, a fish tank, a toilet tank, and even boxes in your pantry are all places that criminals know to search. They’ll probably hit your master bedroom first, but if they don’t find what they’re looking for, they’ll keep searching until they find something worth selling. So where does that leave you? You still need hiding places for the important or irreplaceableRead more
The Best Hiding Spot in Your Home: Your Security Door

Don’t Buy Residential Security Windows Without Reading This

When clients, architects, and interior designers call us to discuss residential security windows for their (or their clients’) homes, the most common concerns they list don’t actually pertain to security. They want windows that will keep out unwanted guests and intruders, sure. But their main concern is actually what the windows look like. They want a thin profile and they don’t want anything to block the gorgeous view. We totally understand — the view is a major selling point of the house and you want to be able to enjoy it (and maybe make your friends jealous). It’s our goal to create flawless residential security windows for you. We want them to be beautiful enough to do your luxury residence justice, but the most important aspect for us is that they keep you safe. Creating aRead more
Don’t Buy Residential Security Windows Without Reading This

Is a Frameless Security Door Possible?

One of the newest and most popular trends in luxury home design is frameless doors. If you’ve yet to see a frameless door, picture your front door (or bedroom, closet, etc) without trim work surrounding it. Picture the wall being perfectly flush with the door, instead. Frameless doors can be placed in interior or exterior openings, and no matter where they go, they’re stunning. We’ve installed quite a few at this point and many of our most recent calls are inquiring about installing a frameless door on their luxury home. The low-profile, sleek design of frameless doors lends itself easily to luxury home design. For homeowners and interior designers looking to keep the clean lines of their design aesthetic, frameless doors are an excellent choice. Given that our speciality is custom security doors, one of theRead more
Is a Frameless Security Door Possible?

Upgrading Your Luxury Home with Biometric Security

One of the most popular features we offer at Fortified and Ballistic Security is biometric security authentication. In the past, we’ve offered fingerprint scanners, but now the vast majority of the biometric scanners we sell use facial recognition technology.  On the surface, it might seem like something special you could add to your luxury home — like something James Bond would have at his residence (and also maybe on the entrances to his hidden closets and his garage where he stores his Aston Martins, etc) — and you wouldn’t be wrong about that. Facial recognition technology is really fascinating. But it’s much more than a fancy feature you can add to your custom security door. It’s one of the most effective ways to keep your home, bedroom Sanctuary™ System, or office secure.  Here’s how we canRead more
Upgrading Your Luxury Home with Biometric Security


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Making Security Door Installation a Breeze with the Perfect Frame™

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