FBS Articles

How to Make Your Home Bulletproof with BallistiCrete

When we talk to our clients about creating fortified (and at times, bulletproof) homes, they typically ask about windows and doors. They want to know how they can keep intruders (whether random or specific) out of their homes and keep their families completely safe.  We tell them about how our windows are made — how they’re triple-layered and bulletproof, but still beautiful. We show them galleries full of gorgeous fixed and casement windows that add elegance and grandeur to any space.  We discuss our high security doors at length because frankly, there’s a lot to talk about. While most of them are made from steel at their core, there is an endless combination of coverings our clients can choose from to create a look as unique as they are. We can do single, double, pivot, orRead more
How to Make Your Home Bulletproof with BallistiCrete

Architects: Here’s What You Need to Know About Pivot Doors

If you haven’t yet encountered a client looking for a pivot door during your architecture career, you will at some point — probably sooner rather than later (and if your clients haven’t asked, you should definitely suggest it). Pivot doors are perhaps the hottest item in luxury home design. Whether they’re internal or external, they add an air of elegance and style that no other door can possibly bring to a home.  Every architect we’ve met who incorporates pivot doors into their work loves them. They work in nearly every space, and the clients are always happy with the final product. If you’re less familiar, here’s what you need to know about pivot doors. What Makes Pivot Doors So Unique Hinge doors are easy for people to conceptualize because they’re so accustomed to using them. YouRead more
Architects: Here’s What You Need to Know About Pivot Doors

Why Alarms and Security Cameras Don’t Make You Safer

When homeowners think of protecting their homes, they typically think of security systems. At this point, there are plenty of home security alarm options available, from a simple doorbell with a camera to a complicated system filled with motion sensors, multiple cameras, spotlights, and most importantly, an automatic line to the alarm company if something (or someone) trips the system.  Regardless of how effective home security alarm systems actually are, they have become a standard on homes across the economic spectrum. You can assume most houses have some sort of alarm on them, but home invasions are still a common crime.  According to the FBI, over 7 million property crime offenses were committed in 2018, totaling $16.4 billion in losses. This amount includes stolen property, as well as damages incurred by the criminals in question, suchRead more
Why Alarms and Security Cameras Don’t Make You Safer

Why You (Probably Don’t) Need a Panic Room in Your House

Given the nature of our business, we work with a lot of high-profile clientele. Some of them are looking for panic rooms in their homes, while others are looking for ways to fortify both the interior and the exterior, essentially turning the entire home into an impenetrable fortress. We’ve designed custom security doors and windows for Hollywood A-Listers, professional athletes and musicians, as well as lesser-known people on the Forbes 50. The common thread among all these people is simple: they’re in the public eye, they’re wealthy, and they have a desire to protect themselves — but most importantly, their families — from anyone who may be targeting them. People in the public eye deal with a level of scrutiny and attention that is far more intrusive than ever before. They’re chased by aggressive paparazzi, stalkersRead more
Why You (Probably Don’t) Need a Panic Room in Your House

Have a Yacht? Here’s Why You Need to Upgrade Your Security Doors

Yacht owners have unique security needs. You’re not protecting a stationary object — you’re trying to keep a moving target safe in a place where 911 isn’t a phone call and a few minutes away. It may seem as simple as locking your doors and windows, but there’s a lot more to yacht security than just making sure you pulled the latch shut. You might not think you have anything to worry about on your own private vessel, but that is simply not true. There are plenty of reasons to consider your safety on board a yacht or a superyacht, but those concerns will be unique to your specific situation.  Why You Should be Concerned with Superyacht Security It may seem unnecessary to worry about things like pirates or intruders on a yacht. You’re probably prettyRead more
Have a Yacht? Here’s Why You Need to Upgrade Your Security Doors


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Why Your DIY Safe Room Won’t Keep You Safe

When you’re searching for ways to keep yourself, your loved ones, and your home secure, it can be easy to fall down the rabbit hole of DIY safe room tutorials. It’s a tempting topic. The idea that you can use your own two hands and some easily-available materials to enhance your security (and peace of mind) is certainly alluring.

Making Security Door Installation a Breeze with the Perfect Frame™

There are a number of factors that go into security door installation. They’re similar to the ones you’ll encounter with every door installation, but our doors are unlike any other kind of doors you’ve ever seen, which complicates things. In the past, our clients have become frustrated with this aspect of our business, so we’ve been looking for ways to improve installation. Of course, having clients literally all over the world makes this prospect more difficult.

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At FBS, we do things a bit differently. Or at least — different from a lot of U.S. companies. In the United States, the mentality is generally to get everything done as quickly as possible so we can move on to the next project to make more money.

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